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I said he was evil in my last post.

I told ya'll last week and we have discussed before how EVIL that man can be. He is so MEAN. I GASPED. My mouth was wide open that whole argument. Kevin's response was mean but it was measured and it was not at the level of Randall. His whole demeanor, that whole conversation was beyond out of pocket and it shows he was definitely raised by white people. How dare you tell your brother that his father was ashamed of him??? If Randall had a Black mother (a whole lot would be different obviously, but..) IF Randall had a Black mother she woulda s____ the ____k off his __rr__ a__! (fill in the blank in the comments). I hope Beth gives his behind a WHOLE READ when she finds out about this (although we know he is not gonna tell her the whole story).


Also! I love how Randall says he was the one who stayed home and fixed the family, like Kate wasn't the one who really did stay home! Kate needs to check Randall too.


K-dub had every right to molly whop that man but I am so glad that he did not and I am so glad that he did not break his sobriety. I love how he Encyclopedia Brown-ed Randall like Randall did in the Cabin episode to Kate. "I wonder what made mom change her mind." "Mom, you seemed so sure in New York." *investment in your future clue* "AH-HA!"

*deep breath*

Okay, Toby and Kate.

I am glad about this sibling thing...I think it's gonna be hard for them to get there. Prediction: They purposely showed the seatbelt not being clicked when Toby put Jack in the car, so I am certain a car accident or something is about to come. Maybe that spurs a fight between Kate and Toby and they separate and that is when we see Kate alone at the Cabin with Kevin and Rebecca in that flash-forward on their 40th birthday.

It was really nice of them to go back to the NICU. I think it really helped them close the loop and demonstrate that they got through one of the worst times of their lives.

In the flash-forward in Season 3, we hear Randall call Toby who looks disheveled to invite to Bec's final moments. We also see that Toby is not wearing his ring. My new theory is they get divorced and Kate gets remarried to a man who has a child already. Or they get divorced right after they adopt.


She is a whole mood! Em hm. She is the actual glue for that family and she needs acknowledgment. She does a good job of being a partner to her husband and doing what is best for the entire family. She knew ish was about to hit the fan and grabbed Rebecca to the Batmobile.

Madison #TeamMadison. We know they get engaged because Kevin says something about a pregnant fiance during the flashforward episode. I do not think their marriage will work out but I think they will be good co-parents. I doubt the show will go down this route, but I hope they spend some time on Madison and her pregnancy. Individuals with eating disorders can have a really hard time with pregnancy. Specifically around the changes and lack of control over their body. We know Madison has gotten better but maybe this could trigger a relapse?

Uncle Nicky Also, ya'll saw Uncle Nicky had a wedding band in the future?! I don't think it's with child abuse army girl I think they just showed her and Sophie as a final goodbye to them on the show. I think Nicky goes to find that girl he used to write letters to when he was in the military.

Jack and Rebecca

For some reason, I completely forgot that Jack's birthday is The Big 3's birthday. I feel like it has not really be addressed until this episode. I also like that they took some time to show them addressing their grief of the child they lost. The show has given us this narrative of this perfect family that took horrible moments in their lives and turned them into heroic and romantic overtures without really addressing dealing with the actual issue. I thought it was nice to show.

Baby Jack in the Future

I think it was nice to show how things play out in the future, but honestly, I do not really care. His timeline is so far ahead of the show that it serves no purpose. According to the timeline they are creating, when Bec is on her *assumed* death bed, it is about 10 years in the future. (Why the Big 3 look like they are well above 10 years older may just be a bad makeup choice). Tess is an adult, Kevin's kids are about 10 years old meaning Baby Jack is only a year older than they are so this adult version of Baby Jack will not be at this flash forward.

UNLESS, this is a 20+ year flash forward and Tess is grown and Kevin has another set of twins (totaling 4 or more kids) and then Baby Jack will be old enough to the adult version they are showing us and will show up at the cabin, but that seems ridiculous so I doubt it will happen.

Jack's face on the photo caption for this post is me right now.

I hope they are not building up to a spin-off because I could not handle it.

Anyway, interested in hearing everyone's predictions and reactions to the show. Excited for next season. In the meantime, we will be waiting for Insecure!

Take Care.

Stay safe, wash your face, don't touch your hands or however it goes.

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