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A Girl Needs Leave-In Conditioner

*Sigh* Spoilers (duh)

The funeral was sad, Sansa lost her boy. Daeny has no friends left, but did really ever have friends? She had servants who she treated nicely but didn't listen to. #Mhysa #Massa

Maybe that's too harsh, but Missandei is not her friend, Grey Worm is not her friend, Tyrion is not her friend, Jorah's dead, I mean...she's setting herself up for failure.

Is it protocol to burn the bodies? I thought they only did that to avoid the dead being turned by the Night King? Maybe they ain't have time to bury that many bodies and DAMN there were a lot of bodies.

Aight, so we at dinner. It's gloomy AF. Everybody Sad. Sansa look grown!

Gendry ouchea tryna find bae! LOL Hound ain't here for it

Aw shit, what is Daeny bouta do? YOU RUINING THE NIGHT! Let that boy live he just out here tryna make weapons.

OH! Okay, she made him a Lord, I see you I see you.

WAIT what the fuck she just say??? "You're a lord because I made you one" GIRL if you don't chill tf out with that mess. Out here tryna make power moves, girl this is the repast the wake. Stop it.

BOY, Arya ain't out here trying to get married! Y'all can keep messing around in the meantime, but she will not and does not belong to you. She ain't a "lady."

Daeny is clearly SALLLLTTTYYY AF. Tormund out here like "what crazy muthaf**** rides a dragon yall?!?!" and Daeny sitting here quietly but her eyes are like "ME! ME BISH! I DO! I. RIDE. DRAGONS.! I MADE THESE DAMN DRAGONS!" loooooolll

A girl is pissed.

Tormund is drunk AF. He's a little annoying, but funny. Tyrion.....f***ed up the vibe coming at Bri like that. #notcool

awww Tormund getting left behind for the pretty boy. Tear.

Fast forward past the awkward one hand sex, Sansa's pimpin, and Daeny's begging.

ALSO, girl you nasty! "go back to the way it was" he WAS still your nephew. #yanasty

Then got the nerve to get all mad like "it don't matter what you want" FIRST OF ALL DAENY, you only want the throne because you think it is OWED to you because up until now you were next in line. Shit is different now, you had a long lost family member show up the funeral and get 80% of the estate and you mad. But, really you're mad because you feel it is ENTITLED to you and that it is your "destiny" or whatever. BUT YOU WRONG. It is not your destiny. Jon is next in line, and if you really believed in the "destiny", you would back the f*** up and let Jon be in charge because he is SUPPOSED to be next in line.

Daeny does not have allies who matter. She is the queen of the slaves, and the North does not GAF about that.

Let's talk about the strategy scene. Daeny AGAIN out here tryna flex like she actually did something in the last episode! YOU AIN'T DO SHIT little girl. The Dothraki died in the first 5 minutes. The Unsullied did what they were supposed to do. YOU deviated from the plan. YOU got your dragon all banged up. YOU was flying around in circles and let Drogon get tackled by hundreds of wights. YOU CONTRIBUTED NOT A DAMN THING TO THE BATTLE WITH THE NIGHT KING. couldn't even light a damn trench whicha useless behind.

Sansa is out here talking logically, which is what I said last week, ya'll need to let these folks breathe and recoup but nooooo you gotta disagree with what Sansa says just because she said it. And Jon? really? "we will obey your command" FOH

Love Arya running up at Jon at the end, like "Nah homie Stark Family Meeting. NOW."

So, Jon is just clearly making all the same mistakes that Ned did. I think this season is just showing how the cycle continues and everyone falls into place in their respective systems #systemtheory Jon is turning into Ned (hopeless believing in honor while the world around him continues to prove him wrong until he has to die for it). Daeny is turning into the Mad Queen. Sansa is turning into a Little Finger/Cersei mix (which I'm not mad about). Jon should have known not to tell his family if he didn't want the news getting out.

Varys gone Varys and I ain't mad. He always peeped game.

Okay. So people are leaving. Ghost is leaving. Okay. Not sad. Sam is coming back somehow, he ain't going out like that. Arya said she doesn't plan on coming back. Not sure what that was about, but okay.

Okay. So, let's jump ahead to Daeny taking the dragons down there (I don't care about Bronn, yall). Rhaegal BARELY got off the ground and into the air, and this hoe still wanna take them dragons there? SHE HAS NOT TRAINED! She still don't quite know how to control her dragons, she can't even throw spears while she rides a dragon like the Night King could yet she continues to think that all she has to do is jump on those damn dragons and she'll win it all. GUESS WHAT. You're wrong. Cersei is SMARTER than all of you, and ya'll keep underestimating her just like you keep underestimating Sansa.

SHIT! Spear just went right through him!! DAMNNN DAMN DAMN. Daeny! This is your fault! You just flew them out here unprotected not paying no damn attention.

Euron is OUT. HERE.

Where is Missandei??? Can she swim??? Oh, shit is that racist??? Whatever.

CAPTURED! She dead. Cersei don't care about keeping captives. She's trying to provoke Daeny to prove that she is her father's daughter.

Okay, so now Tyrion is like "let's talk Cersei out of this" like that worked any of the past 3000 f***ing times you tried that?!? #stupid

They show up at the castle and Cersei and Daeny looking like that double spiderman meme talmbout "you surrender, no you surrender" ugh

OOOOOOOOOO EURON AIN'T SMART, BUT HE KNOWS TYRION SHOULDN'T KNOW THAT CERSEI IS PREGNANT! Euron is about to dip out yall. I think he's gonna flip sides and that's give gonna Daeny that advantage she needs. Also, where is Yara and the rest of her people?

Tyrion really thought he was about talk Cersei out of this is?? [Cersei: Beebo. Tyrion: Bubbles *look up powerpuff girls if you don't know what I"m talking about*]

Missandei...I think she thought she was gone say "Dracarys" and some shit was gone happen, and I was like "noooo baby you and your product-less hair are going DOWN honey." I think Cersei would at least push her. Was not expecting the head chop. But here we are.

Daeny mad cause she losing everybody. She picked a hand who's good at assisting in ruling not at helping in battle/war (especially against her sister).

ALSO, Jaime really had Bri out here in A ROBE. IN THE COLD. Bruh. #shame I think he just said that that keep Bri from trying to come after him. He's gonna go and try to kill Cersei.

Well, that's all. I'm not really excited for next weeks episode. The preview was not that exciting. I am wondering why they chose to only have 6 episodes this season? We got 2 episodes left, and I'm sure next week will give us more lackluster deaths and not resolution. But we'll see.


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