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Daeny got Jean Grey-ed

Last Sunday we watched the Series finale of GOT. 8 seasons have come to a close, and the show is OVER. The opinions about the show and series are all over the place. I will share mine, and they are not meant to change yours if you feel some kind of way about


Overall, I was cool with the finale. I did not have any expectations/predictions/wishes for this episode. I just wanted to see how it was going to come to a close; I am content with how they did it.

I'll share my reactions and opinions here:

So, the episode starts with Jon and crew walking through the ash and I legit thought we were watching a Zombie movie.

Tyrion was acting his ass off this whole episode. I feel like we're back to normal GOT.

Skip past the unnecessary throat slashing, and we get to hella Nazi imagery.

The shot of the dragon behind Daeny was gold. All the imagery in the first 25 minutes was fantastic.

Jon, I know you don't speak other languages but you might wanna get Google Translate for this one bro.

WINTERFELL?? DORNE?? Girl they are free states! What do you mean we "Liberating" them too??

OOOOOOOOOO Tyrion had to flex on her real quick. Threw his little pin down them stairs with gusto! haha it's like a child throwing a tantrum and getting in trouble.

Jon is like the other bother who's trying not to laugh, so he don't get whopped either, like 'nope, don't look over here, nothing to see here." HA!

Arya! WTF? how'd you get there??

So, Jon goes to visit Tyrion in jail, and we get another one of Tyrion's speeches (which he does well). This entire speech was the writers talking to the audience just in case ya'll didn't see that.

Jon got his power up when he had to think about his sisters. So, he goes to find her, and we get that cool dragon moment. We see Daeny in awe of the throne, and then she notices Jon. She goes into this story of how she's imagined the throne since a little girl and Jon is like "YOU KILLED KIDS YOU CRAZY BITCH" and she's like "future generations will thank me" and he's like "DEAD. THEY'RE ALL DEAD."

Jon did some great acting here too cause I was legit like bro you gone kiss here now? Then we get STAB! I thought maybe Daeny was on some crazy shit and she stabbed him, but you know. We know how it ends.

My first thought, "damn, that was fast." and then "what do we do for the rest of the episode?"

People were mad about the dragon not flaming up Jon; I assumed because he was a Targaryen that's why he didn't burn him. Who knows?

Then it cuts to black. We get a time jump here and this when the internet lost their shit.

*I DIEEEEDD laughing when Grey Worm pulled an M'Baku on Tyrion, like 'SHUT YO LITTLE ASS UP YOU DON'T SPEAK HERE" and Tyrion like "ummm...but it's not really your choice." Grey Worm got white-peopled in this scene.

Everything that happens from here is like the epilogue of a book. I was surprised by Bran the Broken, but it makes sense. Everything happens at the end makes sense, and it was fine to me.

This show is an excellent example of Systems Theory and the phrase "history repeats itself." Daeny became her father, Sansa has become a Cersei/Littlefinger hybrid, Jon is Ned Stark. Everything will continue to happen as it always has and we have seen some progress, with getting Bran on the throne, but at the end of the day, the system will maintain itself as all systems do.

I will be watching the documentary tonight to learn more about their process filming this season and the decision-making process. I like to think of this whole season as a really long movie, and that makes it make more sense to me, but who knows.

Comment your thoughts and opinions below.

Thanks for reading!

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